

My day job is UX design.
My evenings are pretty interesting too.
Welcome to my work.


I like clarity and I like detail. Those two things can be at odds, but they don't have to be. I look for that magical balance that gives a user perfect understanding in an instant. When I can find that sweet spot, it's euphoric.

In school I started in illustration. Then I found graphic design and thought that was even cooler. That lead me to UI (user interface) design, and was enamored. Turns out that Project Management came with all my gigs, and that stuff is pretty interesting too. Add in deeper user strategy, and now I’m all about UX (user experience). I keep finding more and more things that make me happy!

The best part is, I'm not afraid of falling in love another new project. Got a good one?

For more information on my career, visit my LinkedIn page here:

...and just for fun

I entered a concept competition with Mini Cooper, and won. I got to be in the resulting commercial. It was a surreal experience. Wanna see it?

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