CSG Personas wBG.JPG

Chicago Swordplay Guild

Follow along as I apply Design Thinking methodologies to a website redesign.


UX In Progress

Chicago Swordplay Guild Website Redesign

Founded in 1999, Chicago Swordplay Guild is one of the oldest historical fencing schools in North America, teaching techniques from the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Iā€™m currently working on a much needed website update, utilizing UX methodologies to meets the needs of both potential students and the guild. Watch the project progress here.

Click here for the Presentation Deck

Progress So Far:

  • Stakeholder interview

  • User Surveys - Major Insights

  • Personas - Students

  • Empathy Map

  • Competition Research

  • Journey Map - New Student

  • Task Models - New Student


  • Wireframes in progress (Starting with New Student needs)

  • Technology research for features - ongoing

  • Event Promotion - Journey Map

  • HEMA Enthusiasts

    • Personas - in progress

    • Task Models

    • Wireframes

  • Current Students

    • Journey Map

    • Task Models

    • Wireframes

    • Maybe a Card Sort exercise