
Swordplay (or Dutch Fencing Masters)

“Tucked away in the Newberry Library of Chicago is an anonymous manuscript entitled Schermkunst (“Art of Swordsmanship”), whose brief text and exquisite watercolours details fencing with the single sword, rapier and dagger, rapier and buckler, halberd, and full pike… Translated and contextualized by respected Dutch swordsman and fencing researcher, Reinier van Noort, The Art of Swordplay is sure to please martial artist and military historian alike.“ —Freelance Academy Press

 Swordplay was such a fun book. There was very little text, but the illustrations were wonderful. While this was a scholarly work on martial arts, I decided to turn it on it’s side, figuratively and literally, and lay it out like an art book. This ga

Swordplay was such a fun book. There was very little text, but the illustrations were wonderful. While this was a scholarly work on martial arts, I decided to turn it on it’s side, figuratively and literally, and lay it out like an art book. This gave illuminations more room so we could print them big and let readers get a good look at the colorful costume, while keeping translations in view on the opposite page.

Visit the publisher to get a copy.
